NFT and Aeroponic Hydroponic Trials

A new greenhouse with an electric supply has allowed us to trial growing lemongrass plants in some NFT and Aeroponic hydroponic systems.

We now have Lemongrass plants in a Nutriculture NFT hydroponic grow tank, some Fennel in a smaller NFT system and some ‘mother’ lemongrass plants in an aeroponics tank.

Fennel plants in an NFT hydroponic system
Fennel plants in an NFT hydroponic system

I have no idea if Fennel will grow successfully in a pot let alone in a hydroponic system but am giving it a go. I will hopefully trail some in the same system but outside as ‘bolting’ might be an issue for the fennel plants if they are kept in a greenhouse.

I also wanted to trial some hydroponic Celeriac which will definitely need to be outside but have possibly left it too late for getting seeds started for this growing season.

Lemongrass plants growing in a NFT hydroponic system
Lemongrass plants growing in a NFT hydroponic system

The bigger lemongrass plants sat in the NFT system have started to put roots beyond the pot and onto the spreader mat.

Lemongrass roots after one week in the NFT hydroponic tank
Lemongrass roots after one week in the NFT hydroponic tank

The Lemongrass in the aeroponics system has been in for a week now and the root growth through the net pots is most impressive.

Trialling Lemongrass plants in a aeroponics tank
Trialling Lemongrass plants in a aeroponics tank
Lemongrass 'mother' plant after 1 week in an Aeroponics system
Lemongrass ‘mother’ plant after 1 week in an Aeroponics system